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    111 Not A Real St.
    Anytown, CA 12345

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Donation Total: $25.00

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Malengo Inc.

8 The Green, Ste. 4000

Dover, DE 19901

The 2022 cohort meets the Deputy Chief Of Mission at the German Embassy in Kampala

On September 12th, 2022, the German Embassy welcomed this years’ Malengo cohort at their offices in Kampala. There, our students had the honor to speak to the current Deputy Chief Of Mission, Hans von Schroeder. Mr. von Schroeder shared a number of interesting facts about living and studying in Germany, and showed interest in our students’ educational plans once in Europe. Subsequently, the students had time to ask questions directly and thereby learned about the history of how Germany became one state, the function and objectives of the German foreign service, the services and opportunities available to them at university, and the peculiarities of learning German given the many German dialects in the country. We are grateful for the continued support by the German Embassy as well as the State of Germany in general. It has been an incredible experience for us, as a young organization, as well as for our students, to feel this welcomed.