PROMO All information available in the news
$ 25.00
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To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Write a check payable to "Malengo"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "Malengo"
  3. Mail your check to:

    111 Not A Real St.
    Anytown, CA 12345

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: $25.00

We are grateful for donations! Donations are tax-exempt in the United States, where Malengo is a 501(c)(3) charity; and in Germany, where Malengo is a non-profit LLC (gGmbH).

If you have questions about donating, or would like to discuss other ways to get involved, please contact Johannes Haushofer [email protected]

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Send a check

Malengo Inc.

8 The Green, Ste. 4000

Dover, DE 19901


Malengo Values

Malengo means “goals”. We are a charity that facilitates international educational migration. We offer mentoring and financial support to students from low-income countries who want to complete a university degree in a high-income country.


The Best Quality

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Price Plan - Basic 45%
Price Plan - Standard 76%
Malengo facilitates international educational migration in pursuit of poverty alleviation.
Student welfare
Our goal is to improve the lives of the students we work with. When organizational goals seem in conflict, student welfare trumps other concerns (e.g. growth). We work for the students. Have a service mindset towards them.
Staff welfare
The health and happiness of our staff are more important than the work. Staff mental health is a necessity, not a luxury. Taking vacations and time off is essential. We are kind to each other. We communicate our needs. We address conflicts proactively.
Dedication to evidence
We are dedicated to rigorous evaluation of our success. We are constantly trying to disprove our model. If we find that we are causing harm, or not having a positive impact, we change the program.
A culture of learning
We try to learn quickly and fearlessly, personally and as an organization. We challenge others and welcome being challenged. We are not afraid to be wrong. We let go of bad ideas joyfully and without our ego getting in the way.
Openness and honesty
We strive to communicate openly and honestly. We own up to mistakes immediately and without sugar-coating. We respond to others’ mistakes calmly and supportively. We give kind, constructive feedback to subordinates. We “manage back” proactively to superiors.
Inclusivity and diversity
We strive towards a culture of tolerance and welcoming. We don’t judge, make fun of, or gossip about others’ identity, culture, preferences, and habits. We address conflicts proactively. Intolerance has no place at Malengo.
Planned obsolescence
Our ultimate goal is to become obsolete as an organization. We are dedicated to the mission, but not the organization. We have a collaborative, not a competitive mindset vis-à-vis other organizations working towards similar goals.

Choose the Best Plan

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$ 54.99



$ 78.99



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