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My Experience in Germany

I came to Germany on 9 October 2021. I have enjoyed my stay in Germany because the people are hospitable, and I have not encountered any discrimination related to race as of now and even some of them especially age mates are usually excited to relate with us.

I have enjoyed my study program because the mode of teaching is different from the one which was common to us in Uganda, this side there are so many practical classes coupled with excursions to different places and we always have the opportunity to have a feeling of the careers awaiting us after studies. In addition there are different teaching aids in the class room with different teaching models which has enabled me to understand the different complex scientific concepts, these are usually used by Professors to demonstrate how scientific processes work.

Lastly, given that the University has so many international students from different cultural backgrounds, there is cultural diversity. I have gotten the opportunity to relate with different students, of course with so many differences between our culture and theirs but there is usually a lesson to learn from their cultures.

Generally the student are nice as well as the professors and I think it is because for us to coexist irrespective of our cultural and other demographic differences, it is imperative to be nice towards each other for everyone to have a conducive environment to achieve his or her goals.

Ziriko Ponsiano

BSc. Sustainable Agriculture at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences

Living in Germany is so far so good though I have come to appreciate the need to learn the language. German as a language is very important as it is the main mode of communication at the supermarkets, hospitals, train stations, for jobs etc

I am trying my best to learn German because it has become a necessity for me. I have signed up for many German online courses, downloaded apps and now I have taken up German as a course unit at the university. I am doing my best to learn German within the shortest period of time possible.

I have made quite a number of friends in Germany. I have two best friends now! Both are students and we live in the same apartment. One of them is German and the other Latino, they are all very nice people, we hang out most times together like going to the movies, or at the riverside for sightseeing.

I sometimes miss the food from Uganda, but luckily for me, I got to know of shops in Germany that sell some of the African foods. Though not all the African foods are there it at least makes a difference. I am also getting to appreciate the food in Germany.

The weather right now is cool, I think it is spring and I am enjoying it. It is shining almost like in Uganda! It was very cold when I first came to Germany – it was winter, I used to wear very warm clothes with big jackets. I guess I will feel more at home during summer because I am told it shines a lot, I can’t wait!

Amule Gladys

BA English Literature and Culture Johannes Gutenberg University.

Germans’ cultural peculiarities are shaping my personality in different ways; the friends I have as well as my attitude towards studies.

My life and personality are greatly shaped by German culture. In Uganda, keeping time is not a big issue, however, in Germany, it is quite the opposite. As a result, I have become an incredibly punctual person. I imagine Germany as the country with the most punctual people.

In Germany, it is normal for students to work as they study. I too have started working. Yes, I am so proud and comfortable with what I am doing since it allows me to save for the next years of my studies. However, it is quite hard to balance work with classes if you are not punctual and it is also tiresome.

I am now accustomed to planning all the activities, assignments, etc in advance. This is the feature that has shaped me and made me a person who values not only my own time but also the time of other people.

There are a number of students in Germany from different cultural backgrounds. I have surrounded myself with people of different cultural backgrounds. As an international student, I am curious about different cultures and I appreciate the cultural diversity around me.

Conclusively, I believe that German and other cultures have made a significant input to make me become a compassionate, punctual, and persuasive person.

Rachel Omara Apio

B.A English Literature and culture Johannes Gutenberg University-Mainz