We are grateful for donations! Donations are tax-exempt in the United States, where Malengo is a 501(c)(3) charity; and in Germany, where Malengo is a non-profit LLC (gGmbH).
If you have questions about donating, or would like to discuss other ways to get involved, please contact Johannes Haushofer [email protected]
Select Payment Method:
Send a check
Malengo Inc.
8 The Green, Ste. 4000
Dover, DE 19901
Transfer to our US account
Please contact us for account details: [email protected]
Transfer to our German account
Malengo gGmbH
Rosenthaler Straße 43-45
10178 Berlin
New Hospital
25 May
New Teachers
03 June
Water Wells
14 April
New Vaccines
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non nunc eros. Suspendisse scelerisque felis ante, et mattis felis scelerisque sodales. Aenean id imperdiet lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nulla.
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Quisque vitae posuere libero. Phasellus feugiat erat sit amet dui condimentum imperdiet. Ut at libero nec ligula fringilla dictum sit amet id dui. Integer gravida dolor elit, sit amet vestibulum
Malengo’s Uganda-Germany Refugee Program prepares refugees registered in Uganda who hold…
VIEW DETAILSMalengo’s Kenya–Germany Vocational Training Program for Refugees prepares refugees based in Kenya who hold…
VIEW DETAILSMalengo’s Uganda–Germany Program prepares Ugandan Secondary School Graduates for admission to an…
VIEW DETAILSMalengo’s Uganda-Germany Refugee Program prepares refugees registered in Uganda..
Malengo’s Kenya–Germany Vocational Training Program for Refugees prepares..
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci m ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc orci nisl, tempus ut sema dolor.
We are grateful for donations! Donations are tax-exempt in the United States, where Malengo is a 501(c)(3) charity; and in Germany, where Malengo is a non-profit LLC (gGmbH).
If you have questions about donating, or would like to discuss other ways to get involved, please contact Johannes Haushofer [email protected]
Select Payment Method:
Send a check
Malengo Inc.
8 The Green, Ste. 4000
Dover, DE 19901
Transfer to our US account
Please contact us for account details: [email protected]
Transfer to our German account
Malengo gGmbH
Rosenthaler Straße 43-45
10178 Berlin
We are grateful for donations! Donations are tax-exempt in the United States, where Malengo is a 501(c)(3) charity; and in Germany, where Malengo is a non-profit LLC (gGmbH).
If you have questions about donating, or would like to discuss other ways to get involved, please contact Johannes Haushofer [email protected]
We are grateful for donations! Donations are tax-exempt in the United States, where Malengo is a 501(c)(3) charity; and in Germany, where Malengo is a non-profit LLC (gGmbH).
If you have questions about donating, or would like to discuss other ways to get involved, please contact Johannes Haushofer ([email protected]).
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non nunc erosuspe ndisse scelerisque felis ante, et mattis felis scelerisque.
Days you want to support
100 Recurring payment
Number of people you want to help
Humanitarian Aid
Select Option
Psychological support
Medical Aid
Select Option
Medicines 20
Volunteering 30
Psychological support 25
Medical Aid 40
Terms and Conditions
Services and Returns
Solidarity Gifts
Suspendisse commodo bibendum purus at hendrerit. Vivamus aliquam bibendum fringilla. Praesent cursus felis nunc, quis vulputate sapien posuere vitae. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras egestas porta massa eget pulvinar cras non enim et dui pharetra hendrerit mattis.
Payment Options :
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit aenean comm odo ligula eget dolor massa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean egestas magna at porttitor vehicula nullam.